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Anime Review, Summary, Synopsis: Tokyo Ravens 東京レイヴンズ - Is This Anime Worth Watching?
Top Best 17 Songs Music From The Xenosaga I Episode 1 Der Wille Zur Macht Soundtrack ゼノサーガ
Image source: "REVIEW: XENOSAGA EPISODE I: DER WILLE ZUR MACHT", Charlotte Buckingham
Xenosaga, along with Final Fantasy, was one of the games that I was obsessed with as a teen. I played it constantly every moment that I was not studying for school or doing homework. The design of the characters, the attacks, the plot, the exciting action and adventure, the amazing robotic characters, all of these things made me fall in love with Xenosaga.
When I was young, I played Xenosaga Episodes 1 and 2, but when the third one came out, I was too busy with school to play it 😢.
While playing Xenosaga, there were a few musical pieces in it that I liked a lot, and which made playing the game more exciting. Xenosaga does not have as many songs as Final Fantasy does, but it still has some beautiful pieces; so here are my top 17 favorite musical pieces from the Xenosaga Episode 1 Der Wille Zur Macht Soundtrack.