Top Best 34 Chrono Cross クロノ・クロス Square Enix Music Songs From The Soundtrack - RPG Japanese Animation Role-Playing Game Soothing Beautiful Music

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Chrono Cross was such an amazing game! I was absolutely addicted to this game when I was young and I loved every moment of it! To me, Chrono Cross is a classic, and it was one of my earliest introductions to the world of Japanese animation. Not only is Chrono Cross an awesome game, but it also has one of the best anime sountracks ever. The soundrack for Chrono Cross is over 3 hours long with around 70 songs on it. Out of these 70 songs, 34 were the best top tracks in the entire game. Here are those 34 best songs from the soundtrack.

Beautiful flute, violin, and drum music.

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Beautiful flute and drum music.

Beautiful flute, drum, and saxophone music.

Beautiful piano music.

 Beautiful violin and piano music.

 Beautiful sad piano music.

Beautiful flute and piano music.

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Upbeat lively dance festival music.

 Beautiful sad piano and violin music.

Piano and xylophone music with a deep intense baritone female vocal hymn.

Beautiful flute and piano music.

Beautiful piano music that sounds like soothing bedtime music, like the music in music boxes.

Lively upbeat piano music.

Beautiful baritone female vocal hymns.

Beautiful flute music.

Beautiful soothing piano music.

Lively Irish sounding music with flutes, drums, tambourines, and bagpipes.

Sounds like ancient Chinese music with a male english vocal.

Deep dark mysterious saxophone, percussion, and flute music that sounds Egyptian at times.

Beautiful dark xylophone, piano, and flute music.

Sad intense violin music.

Beautiful drum xylophone music.

Fast upbeat flute, tambourine, percussion music that has a Middle Eastern and Egyptian feel to it at times.

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Beautiful upbeat flute music that reminds me of fairy music at times.

Beautiful baritone female vocal hymn.

Beautiful piano music with baritone female vocal hymns. This song does very much feel religious, like something you would hear at church.

Beautiful flute, piano, and violin music with a young female vocal.

Fast-paced dramatic action-packed beautiful music with drums, flute, and violin.

Beautiful haunting piano music.

Beautiful fast-paced action-packed violin, saxophone, tambourine, drum music with a beautiful female vocal.

Beautiful drum, xylophone, and violin music.

Beautiful piano music.

Beautiful guitar music with a Japanese female vocal.

 Beautiful music that sounds like it is from a music box; soothing music you can play at night before bed to help you sleep and soothe your mind.

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